AdFox Configuration - Optimize Your Classified Ads Platform Setup


Prerequisites for Updating

Before you start the update process for AdFox, make sure that:

  • PHP memory limit is set to at least 256M.
  • 'ziparchive' PHP extension is enabled.

🔸 These settings are essential for a successful update.

Updating to the Latest Version

  1. Automatic Update:
    • Download the latest version of AdFox from CodeCanyon. Do not extract the ZIP file.
    • Navigate to Admin Panel -> System Manager -> Version Update.
    • Upload the downloaded ZIP file and click 'Update to Latest'.
    • The update process will start and complete automatically.

⚠️ Important: Ensure to take a backup of files and the database before updating. This precaution will protect your data in case of any unforeseen issues.

  1. Manual Update Process: If you prefer a manual update, follow these steps:

    a. Download the latest version's ZIP file from CodeCanyon. Do not extract the ZIP file.

    b. Rename the downloaded file to

    c. Place it in your application's storage/app/ directory.

    d. Navigate to Admin Panel -> System Manager -> Version Update and click on 'Manual Update' to initiate the update process.

⚠️ Important: Do not extract and re-zip the downloaded file from CodeCanyon. Simply rename the original downloaded file to and proceed with the steps.

Special Note on Language Files: After updating, the lang folder inside en/messages.php may not auto-update. It's important to manually compare and update this file to ensure that language changes are correctly implemented. This step is crucial for maintaining language consistency post-update.

Support and Assistance

⚠️ Note: It's crucial to follow these steps precisely to ensure a smooth and successful update of your AdFox platform.

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