Pages in CarDeer serve to provide essential information to your users. The system comes with a set of predefined pages, including About Us, Careers, Terms & Conditions, and Privacy Policy. These pages inform users about the platform, its policies, and other crucial information.
- Predefined Pages: About Us, Careers, Terms & Conditions, Privacy Policy.
- Predefined pages are displayed in the footer for easy access.
- Admins can edit these pages and add new ones as needed.
Managing Pages
Editing Predefined Pages:
- Go to the 'Pages' section in the admin panel.
- Find the page you wish to edit from the list of predefined pages.
- Click on the edit icon next to the page name.
- An editor will open, allowing you to change the content of the page.
- After making the necessary edits, save the changes.
Adding New Pages:
- To add a new page, navigate to the 'Pages' section and click on 'Add New Page'.
- Enter a title and the content for the new page.
- Once you're done, save the new page. It will now be accessible to users.
Change Status
- Published: The page is live and visible to users.
- Draft: The page is saved but not visible to users.
Use the dropdown menu to switch the status as needed.
Search Engine Preview
- Overview: This section allows you to define the SEO Title, SEO Description, and Page URL to control how the page appears in search engine results.
- Fields:
- SEO Title: Enter a concise, descriptive title that will be shown in search results.
- SEO Description: Provide a brief summary to encourage clicks from search users.
- Page URL: Specify the URL slug for the page, which forms the link structure for SEO.
Use this feature to optimize your page’s visibility and appeal on search engines.
Important Note:
While you can add and edit pages, deleting predefined pages is not recommended as they provide essential information to users. If you do not wish to display a predefined page, consider editing its content instead of deleting it.
Best Practices:
- Maintain clear and concise content on each page.
- Update the pages regularly to ensure that the information is accurate and relevant.
- Avoid duplicating content across different pages.
Managing pages on CarDeer is straightforward. Regularly update these pages to keep users informed about policies, practices, and other essential information.